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Match Report 06.01.24

Match Report 06.01.24

Adam Tuckey8 Jan - 20:06
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Burntwood complete the double over Longton.

Josh Canning’s side had the try bonus point before half time and added three more tries in the second period to win by 41-12 for their first ever win at Longton.
They didn’t make the best start to the match. The opening kick-off didn’t travel ten metres and from the ensuing scrummage, the big home forwards drove deep into the visitors’ territory to earn a penalty five metres out. A tap and drive saw the hosts go over by the posts for a converted try after just three minutes.
From the restart kick, it was Longton’s turn to commit an unforced error by spilling the ball. Burntwood went through the phases from the scrum before Hal Gozukucuk burst clean through from the 22 to score an unconverted try on six minutes.
The visitors defended resolutely close to their own line before progressing upfield to go into the lead on 15 minutes. Scrum possession was moved sweetly by the backs for Billy Fisher to cut clean through to the line for a try converted by Brett Taylor.
Longton hit back to level the scores on the half hour mark. Burntwood did well to keep the hosts out to begin with, especially as Gozukucuk was serving ten minutes in the sin bin, but when they tried to run the ball out of their own 22 the ball was intercepted to gift a try near the posts. However, the conversion attempt missed and the scores were locked at 12-12.
Playing numbers were also levelled up when Longton lost a player to a yellow card for a high tackle. Burntwood took advantage with good ball carrying by the forwards through midfield. They opted to scrum from a penalty award and Ben Holt worked a slick switch pass with Fisher and the centre went clean through for his second try which was converted by Taylor.
Once Gozukucuk returned to action close to half time, he was soon in evidence as he charged into the home 22. Possession was recycled and moved out right for Josh Massey to force his way over in the right corner for the try bonus point.
Burntwood were pressing again as the half time whistle sounded to leave them 24-12 ahead.
The second half took a while to get going but when it did Burntwood extended their lead. Holt’s penalty kick to the left corner provided good field position and when the hosts fell offside infront of their own posts, Luke Rookyard tapped and drove over the line for a try converted by Taylor.
Another Holt penalty kick, this time to the right corner, led to the next score on the hour mark. A well-controlled catch and drive was finished off by skipper Canning for an unconverted try.
Longton lost another player to a yellow card as the game entered the last ten minutes which enabled Burntwood to keep the pressure on. Taylor and Tom Shorrock both went close before solid scrum possession was moved left for Ed Smith to touch down in the corner for the final score of the game. There was only time for the Longton scrum half to be red carded for dissent before the final whistle sounded.
Burntwood 2nds found a well-drilled Stoke-on-Trent 2nds too good for them at the CCE Sportsway. They were in contention until half time but then the visitors pulled away to a 61-10 win.
Louis Hanson and Dan Black were the try scorers for Burntwood whilst Tye O’Connor was the stand out performer.
On Sunday the colts team entertained Bromyard and earned a bonus point win by 24-7.
This Saturday, the first XV welcome top of the table Edwardians, the 2nds travel to face Erdington and on Sunday the colts are away to Telford.
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